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Join date: Aug 22, 2018


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The Wombsisterhood is your safe space, to grow, connect and empower the world in Gods Glory!

Most support systems this day in age have censorship restrictions over self expression, education and connection but is where we go back to the roots and live kingdom minded as Holy women on a mission to glorify God, raise faithful babes and keep a strong homestead, alongside our wombsisters.

The Wombsisterhood is solely for Women of the Collective to be held space for, informed, empowered and supported in all walks of life- all ages are welcomed - we encourage Wombsisters join the Wombsisterhood community as soon as they possibly can to be connected to their global community of holy women.

We are taking accountability for the judgement, drama and disconnection stirred upon this world by our sinful flesh and the enemies attacks, rebuking it, we choose to participate with a prayerful heart in creating a safe space where we love one another, honor, admire, respect and feel equally supported.

If you have any questions about ANYTHING you can post in our Public Forum or Support groups

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