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Routine Childhood Vaccines: Questioning the Narrative

Updated: Oct 11, 2021

Following the outpour of interest we received for evidence based resources on routine childhood injections, adverse reactions, delayed scheduling and ingredients; The Wombsisterhood has gathered a list of updated links for you and your family to research and question the authenticity behind the narrative that the safety and effectiveness of vaccines outweighs the risks of their harmful side effects.


Vaccine Guide Pdf:

Vaccine Guide Binder:

Learn the risk:

Children's Health defense:


Project 180

3 Facts for Parents:

•You have the legal right to question everything and decline or delay anything you personally choose for your child.

•Well child visits are not required by law. A papertrail of competent care for your child (Family doctor, naturopath, chiro, dentist etc) is more than enough to prove your competent parenting, monthly well checks are legally not mandated.

•Your personal choice does not have to align with the way you were raised, your family or friends are raising their kids OR the way you thought you would raise your children, you are allowed to evolve your education and evidence based decisions as you grow as a parent and make choices that feel right in your heart.

What are the risks of routine childhood injections?

•Neurological Damage


•Immune System Repression

•Gut health Damage

•DNA Mutations


•Blood disease


•Chronic illness


•Hormonal Interference

•Death (SIDS)

Where there is a risk there IS a choice.

Walking into an office who deems it a standard or they will turn you away, is not your only option, questioning the sanity, safety and purpose behind this normalization is the right thing to do before holding your child down to be injected directly into their bloodstream with ingredients you would NEVER allow them to inhale or orally consume in any setting.

Seizures, ear aches, ADHD, chronic illness and allergies etc are not the new normal, they are a repercussion we are settling for as a war is upon our planet to depopulate the human species.

Vaccines irradicate not common illness but the natural bodies immune and nervous systems.

Know that if your child faces injury or worse following injections, no legal organization is liable- In the 1980's there was a law put in place to protect vaccine manufacturers from being sued. You can file a report through VAERS and with your doctor which millions do and very few are compensated.

Question everything and trust your Mama gut. is available for 24/7 support if you need resources in making your evidence based decisions or detox method advice. You are never alone in this journey. Power to the Mama's fighting for medical freedom!


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