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Precipitous Birth Story in doctors office | Babies come how and when they are ready!

Precipitous labor is extremely rapid labor and delivery. It is defined as expulsion of the fetus within less than 3 h of commencement of regular contractions

Photo when she had to go on her own stretcher in the ambulance 🤣🤣

This was my first non-medicated birth but 3rd pregnancy 🙂 so it all started Friday night. I just thought it was tightness or pressure on my tummy since that is what I felt for weeks (I think maybe those were Braxton Hicks I’ve never experienced them before so I’m just guessing lol) but I went to bed just fine. I woke up Saturday around 540 feeling uneasy. A lot of pressure (again idk I was having contractions bc my first two pregnancies were induced, pitocin, epidural etc) and I went to double check my hospital bag JUST in case I told myself.

The pain would come and go so I’m like dang am I having a baby today?!? My husband finally woke up like two hours later and caught my on the edge of the couch on my knees hahaha. He’s like what’s going on?! (We were so clueless) I’m like idk? I think I’m having contractions but I’ve never felt them. So he drew me a nice bath and that helped with the pain alooooot! He was also getting ready to go handle work-related stuff about an hour away 😅😅 thats when I told him that I need to call the dr just in case. When I called, the dr said to just come into the office to check if I’m dilated or not. So I told my husband we had to get the kids ready and bring our bags in case I am dilated or I’m just overreacting lol.

Things quickly escalated bc 10 minutes later it was getting harder amd harder to talk and breathe. So we dropped off my kids at my parents amd thankfully my drs office is only a 15 minute drive. Once we got there I was feeling fine just slow walking and the receptionist asked for a urine sample 🤷🏻‍♀️ when I did that, I lost mucus plug 🤪🙃 it was literally the first time i ever saw it since the last two I was already in the hospital and had an epidural.

I walk back to the waiting area amd get called right away to the back and BOOM! That’s when my pain went from a 5 to a 10 in a matter of seconds lol. The dr was like I literally just talked to you when did this happen? I’m like idk? I got my kids ready and drove here. Literally when I stepped into the office is when pain started. He checked me and said yeah you’re 10 cm let’s get you across the street NOW. (The office thankfully is also next door to the hospital lol) so I got wheel-chaired out of the room but told my husband to stop when we were in the waiting room bc I’m like nope I won’t make it. I can feel her?coming. So the dr was behind us with his jacket amd he’s like screw it come back again you’re having this baby in the office. They helped me back up and his poor MA I’m assuming was new bc she was so panicky. When I got on the table he had to break my water bc he was able to see her already. And once he broke my water my dr told me “okay one push and she’s here” so I gave one more push and babygirl arrived 😭 he placed her right away on me too 🥰

From the moment I stepped into the drs office till she was born was a good 10 minutes 🙂

Since I did deliver at my drs office they had to call an ambulance. When the EMTs arrived they told us they had to call a second ambulance bc due to Covid two patients couldn’t be in the same ambulance which alarmed myself my husband and dr. But thankfully my dr said my husband needs to go with my daughter which thankfully they didn’t fight it or anything. My dr did seem annoyed at the EMTs bc they were taking forever to get us across the street when the placenta was still in me. After 5ish minutes he asked me how I was doing and I told him I felt really bad cramps and he’s like okay let’s just deliver your placenta here.

It took longer to get into the ambulance than actually delivering a baby hahaha.

At the end, my dr said he’s never had to deliver a baby in his office in the 30 years he’s been a dr lol. My husband stuck to the plan and we had no shots, didn’t have her bathed, and did everything we wanted even after our birth plan went out the window 🤣

Penelope Primrose



7lbs 8oz

20 in long 🙂


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